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True Heart Healing Center- the alternative health provider of acupuncture care, acupressure and herb formulas
The cause of illness from an unbalance between the five elements and Yin Yang within human body. Acupuncture seeks to correct the imbalance. In the body there are channels called meridians where Qi flows connected between five elements. At certain meridian points, if the flow of Qi is blocked, it creates imbalance and causing sickness.
Disease in the skin deep, take care via ligament massage and acupressure methods.
Disease in bone and ligament, take care via acupuncture and moxibustion.
Disease in stomach area, take care with herb formulas and balanced acupuncture.
Disease in the internal organs, take care with combination of herb, acupuncture and acupressure methods.
True Heart Center provides these medically supervised services to the patient if needed:
Herb formulas
12 Meridian Chart
Your five-element astrology reading
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